Let's Mock Elections 2

The mock elections community's official website

Ranked list of public officials

The amount of points is calculated as follows:

Points Offices
1000 President
750 Vice-President, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
500 Senator, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Supreme Court Justice, Speaker of the House of Representatives
250 Representative, other cabinet member

The amount of points is then multiplied by the arithmetic difference of the score to the Hagenbach-Bischoff quota for the election held (runoffs are not counted).

Vui (I) - 1191pts
President (December 2019) +19.1% = 1191pts
MS Dhoni (D) - 1157½pts
DX-1 Senator (December 2019) +20.0% = 600pts
DX-1 Senator (January 2020) +11.5% = 557½pts
Centauri (I) - 1155½pts
PL-2 Senator (December 2019) +4.5% = 522½pts
PL-2 Senator (January 2020) +26.5% = 632½pts
Top 4-10
Paul (I) - 1125pts
Vice-president (December 2019) +50.0% = 1125pts
Majorero (R) - 1056pts
OV-1 Senator (December 2019) +2.9% = 514½pts
OV-1 Senator (January 2020) +8.3% = 541½pts
Fil (I) - 666½pts
PC-1 Senator (January 2020) +33.3% = 666½pts
Trees Warmer (I) - 575pts
DX-2 Senator (December 2019) +15.0% = 575pts
Corsair (R) - 562pts
OV-1 Representative (December 2019) +7.9% = 270pts
OV-1 Representative (January 2020) +16.7% = 292pts
Jhon Pete (D) - 558pts
PL-1 Representative (December 2019) +25.5% = 314pts
PL-1 Representative (January 2020) -2.4% = 244pts
Dennisman (D) - 555½pts
PC-2 Senator (December 2019) +11.1% = 555½pts
Top 11-20
Thom (D) - 545½pts
PL-1 Senator (December 2019) +9.1% = 545½pts
Estagal (R) - 544pts
OV-1 Senator (December 2019) +8.8% = 544pts
Toucan (D) - 544pts
LN-2 Senator (December 2019) +8.8% = 544pts
DustinTheNow (I) - 538pts
DX-2 Representative (December 2019) -3.3% = 242pts
DX-2 Representative (January 2020) +18.5 = 296pts
Obama (I) - 521pts
PC-1 Representative (December 2019) +8.3% = 271pts
PC-1 Representative (January 2020) +0.0% = 250pts
Dan (R) - 512½pts
PC-1 Senator (December 2019) +2.5% = 512½pts
Cozmo (I) - 500pts
Attorney General (December 2019) = 500pts
Michael (I) - 500pts
Secretary of State (December 2019) = 500pts
Thomas (I) - 494pts
DX-1 Representative (December 2019) +2.2% = 255½pts
DX-1 Representative (January 2020) -4.6% = 238½pts
Bamgo (R) - 485½pts
LN-1 Senator (December 2019) -2.9% = 485½pts
Top 21-30
Mystic Mudsdale (R) - 480½pts
DX-4 Representative (December 2019) +2.2% = 242pts
DX-4 Representative (January 2020) -4.6% = 238½pts
Bill (D) - 467½pts
PL-4 Representative (December 2019) -4.7% = 238pts
PL-4 Representative (January 2020) -8.2% = 229½pts
Adam (J) - 288pts
PL-2 Representative (January 2020) +15.3% = 288pts
Hubble (R) - 479pts
PC-2 Representative (December 2019) -8.3% = 229pts
PC-2 Representative (January 2020) +0.0% = 250pts
Spicy (D) - 257pts
PC-2 Representative (December 2019) +2.8% = 257pts
Magnetar (D) - 292pts
OV-1 Representative (January 2020) +16.7% = 292pts
Amazer (R) - 250pts
Secretary of the Treasury (December 2019) = 250pts
Burger Durger (D) - 250pts
Secretary of Defense (December 2019) = 250pts
Julio974 (D) - 250pts
National Archivist (December 2019) = 250pts
Guy (I) - 250pts
PC-3 Representative (January 2020) +0.0% = 250pts
Top 31-40
Spruce (D) - 245½%
PL-2 Representative (December 2019) -1.8% = 245½pts
Rox (R) - 244pts
LN-1 Representative (January 2020) -2.4% = 244pts
QwertyTurdy (I) - 242pts
DX-3 Representative (December 2019) -3.3% = 242pts
Xibei (D) - 238½pts
DX-4 Representative (January 2020) -4.6% = 238½pts
Pence (D) - 238pts
LN-2 Representative (January 2020) -4.7% = 238pts
Dino (R) - 234pts
PL-3 Representative (December 2019) -6.4% = 234pts
Whale (I) - 229½pts
PL-3 Representative (January 2020) -8.2% = 229½pts
Osito Marcus (D) - 225½pts
OV-2 Representative (December 2019) -9.8% = 225½pts
Raccoon Man (D) - 225½pts
LN-1 Representative (December 2019) -9.8% = 225½pts
Bxuzabc (MWP) - 225½pts
LN-3 Representative (December 2019) -9.8% = 225½pts